Saturday, May 2, 2009

Why Blog?

Am I slow or is time running faster? I love to think of myself as a well informed guy in tune with current trends. Apparently I wasn't. Instead, I was a perfect example of "ignorance is bliss"! Can you believe I didn't know how RSS feeds work until yesterday? Being trained in Physics, doing non trivial mathematics on Mathematica, I had come to think of myself as tech savvy. I couldn't have been more wrong! There is a whole new world out there. What will I do without some engineer friends and a proactive girlfriend? An irrepressible need to assure myself that I am not 'outdated' in this fast evolving world made me start this blog. Expressing oneself freely helps.

Hmmm.. How do I start then? How about I was bullshitting so far? I don't really care if I am up to date or not! I just needed a medium to throw out my ideas. Today Prof. Randeria talked about Lars Onsager who was a reclusive mathematical genius known in the physics community for his solution of the 2D Ising model. For all the brilliant ideas he had, he didn't care to publish all of them. When he solved the 2D Ising model, he just stood up in a conference and announced his result. It took almost a decade for people to confirm he was right! For a genius like him, it didn't really matter whether his ideas got published or not. He anyways won the 1968 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. But what about an ordinary guy like me? I seriously need to peddle my ideas. Nobody is going to spend a decade to find out what I thought about anything. In fact, there is a necessity to sometimes force feed theories that I cook up to unsuspecting victims (sorry Babubhai!). It is precisely with this intention that I have started this blog. I cannot promise that you will like all that is going to come, but at least you will get to know how I think. Cheers! I just saved a decade for you!

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